HBCUFDP returns July 24

HBCU Football Daily Podcast is back for fourth year

Listen to the podcast. BOXTOROW, a subsidiary of DWCommunications, LLC, is bringing back its HBCU Football Daily Podcast for the fourth year beginning Tuesday, June 16, 2020. Hosted by FROM THE PRESS BOX TO PRESS ROW host Donal Ware, the podcast previews in-depth all 52 HBCU football programs in a daily (Monday – Friday) podcast,

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BOXTOROW w/ Donal Ware Podcast

One of the world’s great banjo players and musicians Rhiannon Giddens talks with Donal about her career, growing up in Greensboro, NC and attending famed Dudley high school, the misnomer about Black folks and country and blue grass music, about her illustrious Grammy-winning career, and about how she and her family are faring during the

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