7/6/20 HBCU Football Daily Podcast: Allen

Allen begins its second season of football. The Jackets play in the NAIA, but continue to look towards playing in the SIAC. Head coach Teddy Keaton talks to Donal Ware about the Yellow Jackets first season and talks about some of the players to watch for. Click to download or listen to the podcast.

6/22/20 HBCU Football Daily Podcast: Edward Waters

Edward Waters third-year head football coach Greg Ruffin talks with Donal Ware about the Tigers transition into the SIAC, progression of the new on campus stadium, being ingrained in the Jacksonville community, and expectations for 2020. Click to download or listen to the podcast.

6/18/20 HBCU Football Daily Podcast: Miles

Donal talks with Miles head football coach Reginald Ruffin about expectations for the Golden Bears in 2020, wining their second straight SIAC championship game in 2019 and Ruffin speaks passionately about George Floyd and racism in America. Click to download or listen to the podcast.

HBCUFDP returns July 24

HBCU Football Daily Podcast is back for fourth year

Listen to the podcast. BOXTOROW, a subsidiary of DWCommunications, LLC, is bringing back its HBCU Football Daily Podcast for the fourth year beginning Tuesday, June 16, 2020. Hosted by FROM THE PRESS BOX TO PRESS ROW host Donal Ware, the podcast previews in-depth all 52 HBCU football programs in a daily (Monday – Friday) podcast,

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Livingstone’s Ray named Player of the Year, leads BOXTOROW D2 All-America Team

COVID-19 brought to an early end the college basketball season. While some of the teams did not get to fulfil hopes of competing in NCAA Tournaments, some of the players had outstanding seasons and are recognized as BOXTOROW releases its 12th annual Division II All-America teams. Livingstone guard Roger Ray has been named BOXTOROW Division

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